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Buy Water Cushion Online | Best Price In India | Roys Surgicals

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Original price was: ₹695.Current price is: ₹640.

Out of stock

SKU: 9837 Category: Tag: Product Brand:


Brand Name: Safe Touch
Model Number: RC102WC
Product Name: Water Seat Cushion.
Material: Vinyl Multilayered Polymer
Size: 16.7″ * 16.7″
Material Thickness: 0.04mm
Feature: cooling, Stress-Free, Heat Reducing
Use: Home, Hotel, Chair, floor, Outdoor, Office
Type: Water.
Shape: Square
Style: Plain


1. Maintain Body Temperature
2. Increase Blood Circulation
3. Reduce Stress while working & Driving
4. Reduce 50% Back pain

Sitting Long Hours Can Damage Your  Health! Discover How An Amazing  Affordable Water Cushion Can Help To Reduce The Risk?

Surprising, isn’t it? But it’s the truth! Most chairs, including your luxurious couches costly sofas and expensive office chairs, are not designed for long hours of sitting.

Anyone who spends long hours in a seated posture, often experience the sensation of numbness in one or both of their limbs. Usually, this is due to poor blood circulation to their legs. This feeling of numbness can last for a while until the person is able to get up and stretch his/her limbs.

The impaired blood circulation to the legs area is usually caused by pressure points created by the seat, as most chairs are not designed to evenly support the upper body weight.

In extreme cases, this can cause more serious conditions such as Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), a condition in which

blood clots from deep within the body usually originated in the legs and can lead to pulmonary embolism, a condition that occurs when an artery in your lung becomes blocked.

  • Are You At Risk Of DVT?
  • Do You Drive For Long Hours?
  • Do You Find Yourself Struggling To Stay Focused Even On A Simple Desk Job?
  • Do You Experience Sore Legs, Feel Tired And Fatigued After Work?
  • Are You Confined To A Wheelchair?

If so, you should take immediate action and seriously consider investing in a better seat cushion. A better seat cushion can provide greater upper body support and prevent lower back and spine injuries associated with bad sitting postures.

A better seat cushion can also help to improve blood circulation to the area of your legs and prevent numbness and alleviate the risk of blood clots.

Superior sitting comfort will result in better health and ultimately translates to less stress and fatigue.


Why A Safe Touch Water cushion?

Here is a quick glance and comparison of a Water cushion and what the others can offer:

 Water cushion
Gel cushion
Air cushion
Foam cushion
Doughnut cushion
Truly hygienic




Contour to your body shape




Provide even support the distribution of your body weight




Totally has no support under the buttock area and it causes the wound to tear and aggravate
Cool comfort



Air heats up quickly
Foam builds up heat readily
Do not readily build up heat to your seat

Water dissipates heat quickly and efficiently

Air heats up quickly
Foam builds up heat readily
Never bottom’s out or becomes out of shape



The seat has a bouncing effect
cushion chamber is non-pressurized



Pressurized chamber


Permit better blood circulation



It does the reverse because it reduces the blood flow where the cushion sets against the skin
Comfort level of the cushion is adjustable and can be personalized



The firmness of cushion is adjustable




How Can A Safe Touch Water Cushion Benefits You?


The Water Seat cushion improves impair blood circulation because of the even support distribution of your body weight, thus eases body numbness, particularly to the legs.

The Water cushion does not readily build up heat to your sitting area as water has a cooling effect and dissipates heat more efficiently. Additionally, the cushion can effectively help relieve piles or hemorrhoids discomfort you may have because of its subtle and pressure reducing sitting surface.

The Water Seat cushion is designed ergonomically to reduce pressure to the seated area, permitting improved blood circulation to your legs. Better sitting comfort allows you to work better with less stress and increased efficiency.

The Water cushion does not bottom out and it contours to your body outline as water conforms to any shape.

The only true ‘memory foam’ cushion that automatically memorizes every body shape and responds instantly to anybody contour changes at your slightest movement.

The firmness of the Water cushion is adjustable to suit individual sitting posture and level of comfort.


Truly hygienic and dust mite free as the Safe Touch Water cushion is 100% washable. It’s the most sanitary surface you can sit on, guaranteed!


The Safe Touch Water Cushion Can Be Of Greater Benefit To The Following People:


Professionals who work long hours in the office On An Office Chair
Yoga Practitioner Driver’s Seat & Passenger’s Seat
Stockbroker, Remeiser, and Dealer in stockbroking firms Hair & Beauty Salon
Netsurfer Spa cushion
Seamstress Prevent Bedsores
Taxi driver, Cab driver, Bus Driver, Truck driver Post Piles Surgery Care
Production worker
Piles, Hemorrhoids, Haemorrhoids Patient
Anyone who is bedridden (even for a day or more) due to surgery,  injuries, etc
Pregnant woman, Expectant Mother or Mother-To-Be
Anyone with a history of thrombosis
Anyone who has just undergone surgery
Wheelchair-Bound Patient

Additional information

Weight 0.600 kg
Dimensions 25 × 25 × 6 cm


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