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Buy Recline Commode Wheelchair | Best Price In India | Roys Surgicals

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Original price was: ₹24,200.Current price is: ₹13,060.

2 in stock

SKU: 8647 Category: Tag: Product Brand:


Folding commode chair offered from karma is ideally designed for the elders and the patients having limited mobility. Has 8″ PVC Caster front wheels, and 24″ Solid rear wheels.

Karma Rainbow 8 folding commode chair Features

  • Reclining Wheelchair with Commode
  • Foldable
  • Brake lever for the attendant
  • Detachable Footrests

Karma Rainbow 8 folding commode chair Measurements

  • Frame Style : Foldable
  • Frame Material : MS Chrome Plated
  • open position wheel to wheel width in : 26” (inches)
  • Seat Width : 18” (inches)
  • Total width in closing position : 11” (inches)
  • Rear Wheel Size : 24” (inches)
  • Front Wheel Size : 8” (inches)
  • Seat to Floor Height in : 21” (inches)
  • Seat Depth : 18” (inches)
  • Total Height : 50” (inches)
  • Max User Weight Capacity (kgs) : 110
  • Net Weight (kgs) : 23
  • Upholstery : Rexine
  • Armrest : Detachable
  • Leg rest : Detachable with an elevated footrest
  • Calf support for added comfort
  • Wheel Quality : Rear Solid wheels
  • Rear Wheel Lock : Yes
  • Hand Brakes : No
  • Drop back Handle : No
  • Headrest Support Available
  • Neck Support Available
  • Plastic Commode seat with Pot.
  • Cushioned Top Cover
  • Rear tire Solid tubeless
  • Round commode pan
  • Removable Pan
  • Pan with Lid and Handle

Additional information

Weight 30 kg
Dimensions 101 × 93 × 35 cm


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